Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

Chat Life Changes

Hi Everyone,

Well things have been crazy in this forum and it certainly has taken off faster then any off us might have thought.

Now things are busy I can begin to see flaws in the system that needed to be addressed. This has been done now and one of the more notable changes that you can see is your post credits. If you can’t see them, take a look underneath your reputation points, and for those who do not know what rep points are, their in the box that shows your post count.

The PTP (Paid To Post) rules have already been “further explained” once already to accommodate various posts that had been popping up, there about to be explained even further. However, although this cause of action is not necessarily required as not everyone who posts expects to be paid for their posts, I will explain as I want to be as fair as I can, so without further a due, here is Rule Number 6 explained some more.

These are the current PTP Rules:


I would like to draw your attention to rule 6.

6. If it is found that you are delibratley posting random information with no meaning for discussion your vilolating posts are automatically removed from the Paid 2 Post offer.

-- no meaning for discussion –

Example (but not limited to): Threads/Post such as:

Your favourite quote,
Your favourite colour,
Your favourite meal,
What song you listening to,

Are not a meaning for discussion, these threads and the posts within them do not qualify for paid to post.

However, these type of threads/posts do:

War in Iraq,
Who will win euro 2008,
Men v Woman,
Where will oil prices move,

These are the types of threads/posts that are perfectly fine and will be paid.

** Flooding the forum with threads is NOT acceptable and violates rule 6. **

The forum has turned out to be a lively community and will continue to grow with your help and support, if you see anything that violates the rules let me know by reporting it.

So how do we know what we are going to be paid for?

Now the new modification has been installed, I will be able to quickly fly through the forums and flag posts where needed. I was going to take the board offline while I carried out this task but thought it would make much more sense to take down one category at a time (by hiding it), once I have completed the task on that particular category you will see it again and I will work on the next one.

At the moment, your credits will most likely match your post count, if none of your posts are flagged then this will remain, please note that 1 credit = the current offered post rate.

Can I dispute my credit amount?

The answer is no, all decisions made by the board admin is final. However, and on my discretion only, I will provide a list of posts that have been removed in csv format for those that request it.

Can I be paid early?

Again, this is a no. However, I am willing to help where I can, so if someone is in real need to get paid early send me a PM and I will see what I can do. All I will say is this, if I get 500 PM’s asking to be paid early then no one will, simply because by the time I get through the list it would most likely be pay day anyway.

So why was the PTP program closed to new members?

The reason for this is simple, the board has picked up pace and there is some real quality shining through, however, after long deliberations I have decided to make the following changes.

1. A new user group has been created which all existing members from the date the closer was announced is included.

2. It is no longer by default that you are entered into this program, I am sure many of you know why. I have decided that it should be an invitational system based on professionalism… that’s professionalism and not profession!! I have set a minimum post count of 50 before a new member can be considered for the PTP program. When a new members count hits 50 (and this has to be in the PTP area) and all those posts are incompliance with board rules (that’s board rules not PTP rules) they are then encouraged to send me a PM stating that they would like to be part of the PTP program. I will then make an assessment and then offer an invite if I so choose to.

3. All members that registered prior to this announcement but failed to make a single post on the chat life forum will now have to follow the new entrance rules.

Why have you changed the paid to post from “open to all” to now having rules?

We that’s simple really, the board is now extremely active, and I feel that now there is a minimum post count and invitational system this will ensure that the posts on this board keep a high standard of quality.

Has there been any other changes to the PTP rules?

Yes, there have been some updates to the rules, however, for convenience I will list them here.

Again after much deliberation I have decided that the following forums in the PTP area (Chat Life Community) will be excluded from paid to post.

Best Web Videos
Magic Tricks

The reason they are being excluded is simply because these forums do not comply with rule 6, although they will stay because they do comply with board rules.

Also, all threads created by me regarding forum information/competitions/offers will not count. Here are some examples:

Chat Life Lottery: http://www.chatlife.co.uk/clforum/showthread.php?t=418
Custom Titles: http://www.chatlife.co.uk/clforum/showthread.php?t=528

Also, all sticky threads are not part of the PTP program.

So what happens to the posts already made in the now excluded forums?

They, since they were included in the PTP program will be assessed just like any other posts in the PTP areas.

When will we know that our credits are correct?

Actually this is quite difficult to answer, as simply put, they may never be. The only real time you can be assured that the credit amount is correct is:

1: Its pay day and all the assessments have been made.
2: You don’t post for a week.

However, for all those wondering what about all the posts we have done already, I will post here once I have gone through the entire forum and updated all the credits, should take no longer than 1-2days.

Why would my credit amount be wrong after you have done the update?

This is because if you continue to post during/after the update the credit amounts wont be updated until I get round to checking the newly added posts. If on the other hand you have never made a violating post and never will then its safe to assume that your credit amount will always remain correct.

Any other rules updated?

Yes, the board rules have been updated to include this rule.

Multi-Posting is NOT Allowed, i.e. don’t reply to three separate members using three separate posts, use the Multi-Quote Option.


Since all the major configurations are now complete (for the mean time) I will be running more competitions for everyone to get involved in, so keep your eyes open for them (one change I will be make thou is a 48 hour start time, so every active member gets to be made aware of the competition before it starts).

Chat Life Market Place:

Well the current members have mixed feelings about this one, however, I for one feel that it is a good move on our part to integrate into the board. There are a lot hard rules in other forums that is making trading more difficult and not as flexible as it used to be so by having this I think those people will find it much easier to complete deals.

What is the member review area?

This area is for buyers and sellers to leave reviews about one another in addition to the itrading system. Each user should credit one thread and include their username. I.E. “Reviews for Daniel” everyone who has traded with the member “Daniel” can then leave a review, negative or positive. This will aid in members making decisions on wether or not a trader should dead with a particular buyer or seller. Reviews can be left in the deal thread as well.

What is the member dispute area?

It is what it says, an area for disputes. If a deal has gone bad then this is the place to tell everyone. Then your fellow members can render assistance where possible and board admins/mods can then take decisive action on the end result.

A webmasters forum?

Yes, I felt this would be another good idea, although a lot of forums have this I think chat life should also. This, like the market place is a non PTP area, however, my plans for this forum is to award credits for issues solved, we will see how active the forum becomes before I implement this idea.

What other issues do you need to work on?

At the moment the only outstanding issue is the fact that the iTrader scores are present in every forum although they only work In the market place.

Can you think of anything else to write Daniel?

Err nope… that’s me done. I think I have covered everything I needed to. If there is something that is not explained clearly enough then feel free to post away and ask any questions you may have. After looking at the changes that have been made, to be honest, I don’t think there major, pretty much all I have done is re-enforced the rules.

Thank you for your time reading this thread, and your continuing support.


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