Minggu, 13 Juli 2008

Refferal Program


Each person that referrers someone to chatlife will be paid 7 credits for each referral made based on these rules.

1. The person who was referred must reach a minimum level of 50 credits..

2. People that you refer have to use your referral ID and not the Referral thread, this can be found in your UserCP on the front page in a red box.

3. All valid referrals will be added to your credits and paid in the normal payment cycle.

4. All the rules apply to any new member joining, so if anyone creates a double account they WILL be BANNED (both accounts).

Rule 1 Information:

Everyone whether they are part of the PTP system or not can see their credits. It’s only those that are accepted into the program that get payment on those credits.

When will I know my referrer has 50 credits or not?

Simply put, you can ask them or you can ask me. Do not ask me to tell you how many credits they have, I simply won’t tell you. All I will say is if they have met the minimum level of 50 credits or not. Furthermore, as you all know it takes at least 24 hours for me to update everyone’s credit values, so please wait at least 1 day (if you know the amount of the referred credits) before asking for your referrals credits to be added.

What if the person referred stops posting after they have 50 credits?

Does not matter, provided they meet the minimum of 50 credits then you will be awarded the 7 credits for referring them.

What if they are not accepted into the PTP program?

Again, provided they have met the minimum of 50 credits you will still be awarded 7 credits for referring them.

What if they are banned before reaching 50 credits?, what if they had 49 credits and was banned? Would I be able to put them credits onto another referral?

No, all credits are those for that user. You cannot mix and match credits to build up referral credit. I.e. Referred A has 25 credits and Referred B has 25 credits. You cannot add these together to make 50 and then get your referral credits.

What do i do when one of my referrals hits 50 credits after the 24 hour update?

Once one of your referrals has hit 50 credits after all the updates are done then you need to send me a PM telling me who your referral is. Thats it, does not need to be long, something like this.

Example PM:


I'm writing to inform you that my referral "username" has hit 50 credits.


Please note that the VB referral is system is fully active so there is no need for referrers to post in the referrals forum anymore.


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